Thanks, Teach!

This weeks mark Teacher Appreciation Week. Today, May 7th, is National Teacher's Day. As a teacher I know how important and how great it feels for a teacher to hear, "I appreciate you." The hours, patience, materials and many other things they do, comes from the desire to teach a child well. You would be surprise what a simple thank you does to warm a teacher's soul. So I want to take the time to say thank you one of my former teachers.

Through my many years in school there have been stand out teachers. They've all brought into my life something valuable and priceless. They taught me character, ethics and mutual respect. I'm thankful for each one.

The one I remember first in my educational journey is my 3rd grade teacher. Mr. Perez is a lively, caring and passionate teacher. He made learning enjoyable. He is one of reasons I wanted to be a teacher. The one thing that really stood out about him is that we got to see a little about who he was. Mr. Perez loves musicals and Broadway. He introduced us to plays like Evita & Les Misesrables. Also movies such as Singin' in the Rain. My love for the theater arts directly stems from Mr. Perez.

He brought a whole new world into existance. I had never really known about musicals before hand.  I didn't know about Broadway in New York. I didn't even know that I could see theater in San Francisco. My little 8 year old heart was captured.

One day he gave all of us a button from Evita. I still have that pin to this day. I haven't had a chance to see Evita but I hope that someday I will. That button is one of my childhood treasures. That button meant a lot to me. It was like a golden ticket. It symbolized so many other musical opportunities. They're out there just waiting for me to discover them. Along with that button he gave us another button. Alf. Mr. Perez loves Alf. I still have that button as well.

My first Broadway Musical was Les Miserables. I was blessed to have gone to New York for my Senior trip. It was one of the most fabulous shows I have ever seen. It moved me beyond expectation. As I walked in the theater I thought of Mr. Perez. He had given me a gift. The love for the Arts. That love has grown leaps and bound. I can't get enough! My husband knew how much I love theater that for one of our anniversaries purchased Season Tickets to our local community theater. We have kept up that subscription every since. I've had the opportunity to see Phantom of the Opera, Wicked, Beauty & the Beast and for a 2nd time Les Miserables. The love affair with theater has been a wonderful fulfilling journey.

Thank you, Mr. Perez for your kindness, joyfulness, caring heart, respect and passion. You taught me many important things that I needed to know as a third grader. All the academics I need but you took it one step further and taught me about life. You introduced a world outside of my own. A land that is filled with sadness, joy, deceit, honesty, defeat, victory, hate, love and passion. A place where fantasy meets reality. Thank you for sharing your passion for theater. Your passion has now become mine.

May the Lord continue to bless you, Mr. Perez, as you continue to mold the minds and hearts of the future.

Your loving student,



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