Let's Celebrate

Today I was blessed with the opportunity to celebrate with the 8th grade class and their families. It's tradition that the parents come together to throw a party for their children. It's a time of celebration, joy, a few tears and enjoying the last moments they have together.

It was so wonderful to see them with their family and friends and teachers just having fun. At times it looked like the adults were having more fun. : )

The room was filled with energy and excitement. They know their days are winding down. Only 5 more days before graduation.  The day was filled with mixed emotions. Happiness, sadness, joy and bittersweet.

It's hard to image that next year they won't be there. They've done so much traveling together that parting ways will be difficult. But now is not the time to dwell on that. Today was a day of celebration. The love their homeroom teachers have for them and vice versus is undeniable. You can see the great love and time that went into their relationships. Genuine love lives among them.

My heart along with all the other teachers who have crossed their paths are a little heavy with sadness but full of joy and pride to see what wonderful young men and ladies they have become. 

Thank you Class of 2013 for allowing me to spend the afternoon with you one last time.

God Bless You!


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