A Day At The Zoo

Field trips are awesome. It's a great time to learn outside the classroom. The kids get to see what we teach them makes sense and is necessary.

Today was the last field trip of the year for kindergarten. We spent the day at the San Francisco Zoo. We were a little concerned about the weather, because when we left school it was pretty windy and foggy. But when we got there the fog had lifted a bit and the wind became a whisper.

Field trips are especially nice for us teachers, because our lovely parent volunteers take charge of the kids for the day. We don't have a group of our own and are free for any emergencies. It nice to not be "on" for a day.

Whenever we have gone to the zoo two things have always been true. One, the zoo is packed. Two, the animals are lethargic or sleeping. Today that is no longer the truth. For a Friday, the zoo was pretty empty. A few school groups where there but everyone had enough space to wander around. The animals also were awake and moving. The only animals that were still found sleeping were the lions. I was so surprised to see the koala awake and eating his favorite treat, eucalyptus leaves.

The main attraction was the new baby tiger. We caught him at a good time. He was running around and playing. He was so adorable. We also got to see the penguin feeding and saw a few show off their swimming skills. The gorillas also had a little one and he was just as playful as the tiger. The interaction between he and his parents was sweet.

The interaction between our kids and their parents is priceless. These kids love hanging out with their parents. Spending time with mom/dad and friends constitute a great day. It's great to see the kids connecting the dots to what they learned in the classroom. Reinforcing the truth that learning can be fun. They also get to see God's creation one on one.

It was beautiful day had by all!


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