Everyday Is A Gift

On Saturday, May 4th,  there was a tragic car accident on the San Mateo Bridge. A limousine carrying a bachelorette party, of 9 ladies, on their way to met up with the groom-to-be and groomsmen was engulfed in flames killing five of the girls including the bride-to-be.

I'm sure the day began with hope and excitement. The bridal shower on the horizon and the wedding date a mere month away. The day was a day of celebration. Showers, gifts, games and to the end the day a rendezvous with the grooms' party. No worries to ruin their festivities.

The panic and desperation they must have felt when smoke entered the back of the limo. The ladies hitting the driver's window yelling "Smoke!" The driver not understanding the situation pulled over and got out. The limo then engulfed in flames. What a tragedy!

A day that started in promise ended in despair. One never knows what the day will bring. No one knows what the next minute holds. We live not knowing if we will see the next day. That is why I am so grateful for every day the Lord gives me.

It is He who gives me my days. When I open my eyes in the morning I know the Lord has granted me another day. When I close my eyes at night I'm grateful for all He's given me throughout the day. It's important not to take the days we have for granted. We never know when the last day we have will truly be our last one.

I want to encourage you to live each day to the fullest. Show those around you kindness, generosity, respect and love. Treat yourself once a day. Offer a helping hand to someone in need. Smile. Tell those closest to you how much you love them. Give someone a hug. Pay for a stranger's coffee. Say hello to a person crossing your path on the sidewalk.

Don't sweat the small stuff. Really think about what is important. There are so many things that cross our paths in one day that you need to filter those things worth your time and effort. Focus on what's important, Jesus, family then work.  

Without Jesus we have no days. Each day should be lived for Him. When we live for Him no day is a waste.

Thank you Lord for the days you have given me. May each day be lived for You.

My prayers go out to the families affected by this past weekend's tragedy. May the Lord's peace and comfort fill their hearts.   


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