
This past weekend the Bay Area has experienced a heat wave. Since we live on the coast and not inland we're use to a beautiful 68 degrees on any given day. So hitting 90 degrees was too much. I enjoy my breeze and fog.

I'm a person that runs hot on a normal basis so I always seek out cooling agents, be it a piece of ice or a scoop of ice cream. Why quibble. So when the temperature rises abnormally I get very uncomfortable. The heat infiltrates my body. It works it's way to every extremity and then back again. Perspiration occurs. The area most affected is my head. Headaches and frizzy hair. Headaches you can handle with water or Advil but frizzy hair, well there's just no way to come back from that. I also feel like I'm being suffocated by my clothes. When the heat is that unbearable there's not much you can do. You can only take off so much before becoming indecent. All I want to do is sit in front of a fan drink tall glasses of ice water. Don't get me wrong I can enjoy the sun I just need a breeze to accompany it.

My apartment doesn't have any air conditioning. On top of that when its 80 outside you can bet it's 90 inside. As much as I love my apartment I hate that it gets so hot. One of the nice things about the apartment is that it has a lot of windows. So all the windows are open on those tortuous hot days. Now a window is nice but when there is no cool breeze to speak of then it's useless.

 That is why I squealed (yes, I actually squealed, my husband can verify this) when a cool breeze wafted into our apartment. I was excited to finally have relief from the heat. Nothing feels better than knowing that the heat wave has passed and cool breeze has taken its place.

It's very similar to how you feel when you're overburden. You become overwhelmed. You feel like you're suffocating.  Trying everything in your power to keep your cool but in reality the heat as set in and there is no relief.

There are times in our lives where no matter what we try to do nothing improves our distress. We continue to struggle only to finally come to the conclusion that we can't do it ourselves. The good thing is that you were never meant to do it alone. Jesus is there is help you.

“Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.  For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”  Matthew 11:28-2 

Jesus is your relief. He will give you rest. He will be the cool gentle breeze that takes away the heat. Give over your burdens 100%. I know that's easier said than done. But to experience complete relief you have to let go. He will take care of it. He loves you beyond measure.

Fill the heat rising? Let Jesus give you relief. 


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