Party & Awards

Today was a busy day for Kindergarten. We had our end of the year/summer birthday parties today and completion ceremony.

On Monday, my class has P.E. for 45 minutes. Their lunch time was extended to an hour and their award ceremony ended with 1/2 an hour left of school. Throw in recesses and nap,  they had a total of 30 minutes of academics. This is a once a year event so 30 minutes seemed sufficient. 

The parents and kids had a wonderful time. We enjoyed good food and great fellowship. The awards where just as fun. After each student received their certificate we showed a picture video montage I had prepared. I love watching the kids and parents' reaction to the many many pictures. The kids where so excited. They kept shouted out the names of their classmates when they came on screen and laughed at some of the more crazy pictures. The parents smiled, laughed and shed a few tears.

It was a great last hurrah! With only 10 days left, now 9 days, we slowly start closing the classroom. These kids have brought me so much joy, a couple of gray hairs and a lot of love. The end of the year is always bittersweet. I'm going to get the most out of these next 9 days. Plan on spending as much quality time with them and send them off in style.

Here's to the next 9 days! 


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