Have You Eaten Today?

I found the picture above while scrolling Facebook. It stopped me in my tracks. It was so convicting! Simple yet poignant. I added the question to the picture, which was the caption it was given on FB. "Have You Eaten Today?" It was a spiritual stomach punch.

We live our lives knowing that we have to eat physical food. Without food our bodies will being to deteriorate and stop functioning. Without food and water we could cease to exist. It doesn't happen quickly, no it's a subtle change. We skip a meal here and there. Our body feels a little tired but nothing significant. We start skipping more meals consecutively, then our body wires down faster but still works because we're drinking lots of water. Then we stop eating all together yet still drinking water. Our body starts feasting on itself trying everything possible to stay alive. Then the water runs out and within a few days all that's left is a lifeless deformed shell.

The same is true in our spiritual life. When we stop eating the way we should we being to deteriorate spiritually. We skip a day or two of devotions. We miss a service. We don't pray like we did before. The other things around us have taken priority. We've neglected our source of nurtriance. We don't think it's a big deal, but it is. We are hurting ourselves. Without feeding on the Bread and Water of Life we allow doubt, fear, anxiety and other aliments to invade our mind and hearts pulling us away from Jesus. His Word is our shield and protection from all harm. In it we find life everlasting. You can never overindulge.

We, me included, need to get ourselves reading and studying the Bible. How else can we truly know what God's true purpose is for us. How else will we know what pleases Him and glorifies Him.

How am I suppose to treat my neighbor? How do I practice the Sabbath? How do I honor my marriage? How do I raise my children? How do I do know I keeping good company? How do I know what right and wrong? How do I worship? How do I pray? How should I speak? How do I honor my mother and father? The answers are all in the Bible.

We have so many questions and we have the answer book collecting dust on our shelves. The Bible isn't just about answers but about relationships. The combination of prayer and reading get us closer to Jesus. If we don't talk to Him then we can't grow in our relationships. If we don't eat we don't grow.

Let's make it a priority to eat daily!  First we eat then we do everything else! 


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