To Valentine With Love

There was a time when I thought Valentine's was a holiday invented to sell cards and chocolate. The truth is that like most holidays commercialism has taken over and the origin has been lost. There are different accounts of how Valentine's came to be, but there is one that is favored. So let's revisit why we celebrate Valentine's Day.

The story begins in 3rd century Rome when Emperor Claudius II outlawed marriage, thinking that single solider made better fighters than married ones. Valentine was a minister who saw this new law as an injustice. Defying Claudius, Valentine continue to perform marriages in the cloak of darkness. He was found out and imprisoned.

During his imprisonment he meet a woman named Julia, the blind daughter of the prison warden. Her duty was to bring prisoners their food. Valentine spoke with her every time he had a chance. They soon found themselves in love with each other. It was said that Valentine wrote Julia a love letter signed "From your Valentine", a phrase used commonly today.  Her father was afraid of what would happen to his daughter, so he forbade her to talk to him anymore. Julia tried very hard to obey her father but her love for Valentine was strong. On one of their last meetings, Valentine prayed over her eyes for healing and Lord did a miracle in her. Through the regaining of her sight both Julia and her father come to know Jesus.

One day the soldiers came to retrieve Valentine and give him a last chance to renounce Jesus. Valentine refused. He was taken out and clubbed and stoned, however when these actions did not kill him they beheaded him.  The date was February 14th.

In memory and honor of Valentine's sacrifice the church named him a saint.

I love knowing that story. It completely changed the way I see Valentine's Day. Here was a man who knew the importance of love and did whatever he could to keep it alive. Not only did he want to preserve mortal love but also spread the immortal, unconditional and greater love of God.

So as you go through your day surrounded by chocolates, bears, flowers and fancy meals cherish those you love and remember that there is one who loves you beyond measure.
                                                 For God so loVed the world
                                                        That He gAve
                                                               His onL
                                                                            That whosoever
                                                        Believeth In Him
                                                                 Shall Not perish,
                                                          but have Everlasting life.

                                                                    John 3:16

God is Love and He loves You! Happy Valentine's Day!


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