Freedom Day

Being that it's Groundhog Day I thought I would do a repeat with a twist.

Yesterday we celebrated the signing of 13th Amendment making slavery illegal. Which in turn freed many men. women and children. They now had a say about their life. No longer was their life in the hands of someone else. For many it was the first time that they would experience freedom. How sweet and liberating it must of been to step out of the plantation knowing that they didn't have to go back. That life saving freedom.

As amazing as that freedom is, there is a greater freedom that waits to be granted. The freedom of life with Jesus. Most of the time when people hear about Jesus they tune out and think that religion has too many rules, its so cumbersome, I'd feel trapped, imprisoned. When in reality the life they are living is a prison. A prison of sin and separation from God.

Many know that there is a God and life has a greater purpose than just existing. It's evident by all the different religions in this world. People for centuries have tried to find that being and that purpose. Worshiping idols, believing we descended from apes, believing that Xeroxing your picture in a special copier will cleanse your aura are all examples of people knowing that there is a God but looking in all the wrong places. They're trapped. They may find satisfaction for the moment but sooner or later those things are no longer enough. They go from belief to belief in search for the truth and end up with counterfeit.

They choose everything else except Christ. Why? I believe it's because in order to have a relationship in Christ you have to first recognize your sin and ask for forgiveness. Having to see yourself in such a harsh light is difficult. Having to look at your life and say "I've sinned", is just to painful for some and to admit what I did was wrong, forget it. It's just easier to photocopy my face then have to deal with reality.

It's unfortunate that some people will never experience true freedom. They will never know the joy, love, comfort, peace and fulfillment that comes with knowing Jesus. In Jesus "I am free to run, free to dance, free to live for Him, I am free!"

It's not enough to have that freedom but we need to share it! What good is it if we don't tell as many people as possible to join in on the celebration. Many may say no but there are those who will say yes! Fight for their freedom through prayer and speech. Make it known who can satisfy their quenching thirst. Let's help others find the Living Water that satisfies and overflows with joy!

Christ = True Freedom!

"It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery."   Galatians 5:1 (NIV) 


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