Celebrating Steve Jobs

Today would have marked Steve Jobs 57th birthday. The world lost this creative mogul last October to cancer. Steve Jobs was an innovator, visionary and a force to be reckoned with. Beginning in a humble garage he worked to create something that was never seen before. He was an unconventional thinker.  His hard work and perserverence introduced the world to products that changed the way we view and use music, phones and social media. His vision soon became the vision of millions of others. The word Apple no longer defines a fruit but a company and a man who tirelessly sought out different ways to communicate, gather information and proceed into the future.

Though he is no longer here, the spirit of this man still lives. Apple has upheld it's creator's vision and kept his legacy intact. Though it has only been a few months since his passing, Apple have shown great respect at honoring the man who started it all.

So while you play games with your iPhone, iPad and iPod, or are thankful for a touchscreen iProduct, or speaking to someone across the world though Face-time, or writing a blog on your Macbook Pro take time to remember the man who traveled beyond the borders and found a new world filled with juicy Apples! 


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