Beware of Christians

I came across a documentary, on Netflix, made by 4 christian college students (boys) who traveled to Europe to understand & confirm what they believe. The outcome of this journey was "Beware of Christians."

The quote that begins the documentary is by Brennan Manning, "The single greatest cause of atheism today is Christians, who acknowledge Jesus with their lips and deny Him by their lifestyle." This a perfect set up to their message, "Beware of Christians."

This is the trip Mission Statement:

"Sometimes it's tough to see where Jesus fits in Christianity. This film follows 4 college Christians who travel to Europe to escape the routine of American Christianity. Along the way they will examine every-day Christian habit in comparison with Jesus actual teachings. This is a story about replacing religion and comfort with relationship and truth. How can we get past a label and take on a lifestyle? What happens when we give up on religion and try following Jesus?"

As they arrive in each country they focus on a specific topic:
1. Identity
2. Materialism
3. Sex/relationships
4. Church
5. Wealth/Poverty
6. Media/Entertainment
7. Alcohol

With each topic a new revelations appears or a truth is confirmed. There are confessions, doubts and epiphanies throughout this journey of discovery.

They are honest, transparent and genuine. They face questions that many of us do as Christians and try to answer them with the Scriptures. They want to be better examples and want to know how to walk the Christian life. They desire to be the building blocks to others rather than the stumbling block. These are all true desires, no matter the age.

It's a great reminder to examine our lives as Christians. Am I the type of Christians that turn others away? Does the term "Beware of Christians" apply to me? Am I following the law of man or the law of God? Am I following Jesus or just say I do? Do I glorify God in my everyday life?

Find and watch "Beware of Christians" and see what you believe. 


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