1 Word 4 Hearts

I have probably heard a sermon on the Parable of the Sower (Luke 8)  3 or 4 times. Most of those times I was young and didn't really grasp it's complete meaning; all I knew is that I wanted to be like the good soil. Never really thought about what the other three soils represented,  that was until I taught it to my class. When you're trying to explain certain concepts to little ones you have to think in the most basic and fundamental truths so they can grasp the parable. The bible lesson was integrated into the science unit on plants so they got the message throughout the week. On top of that the speaker for chapel that week spoke about the parable of the sower, who didn't even know that was our bible lesson.  I began to realize that all of this repetitiveness was not solely for the children's benefit but for mines as well. At one point or another I feel that our hearts have represented each soil.   

The Hard Soil

When our hearts are hard and stubborn and don't want to listen to God's Word (the seed in the parable). We ignore the truth given to us and let Satan (birds in the parable) take it away. This is true for many who are not Christians. They refuses to allow truth in their heart and the truth falls away.
Without acceptance and repentance they can't be saved.

The Rocky Soil

We listen to the Word and grow a bit but not deep enough to set strong roots. We think we're safe, because I'm a Christian but we put no work into the relationship. We go to church on Sundays and then the rest of the time we live our lives. There is no true foundation and no fortified heart. We allow the world to creep back into our lives. We forget that we only live in this world and are not of it. Our faith begins to wither away and we backslide. Or when the evils of this world have knocked us down and dragged us through the mud we forget who to go to or we blame Him for our circumstances. Our hearts grow hard and we allow our joy to be taken away.

The Thorny Soil

We listen to the Word and want to grow in Christ and have a relationship, but there are still things that we haven't surrender. We allow worry, fear and doubt to control our thoughts. We begin to rely on ourselves. We think we provide our own daily bread. Those worries and fears break us and choke us and we don't grow in our faith.

The Good Soil

 We listen to the word and do what it says. We grow deep in our relationship with Christ. We live a life reflecting Him.

It made me reflect. Where is my heart right now? Am I allowing my worries and fears consume me and in turn stop trusting God.  Am I allowing my circumstances to take my joy away? Or am I rooting myself in Christ and growing in my faith?

I found that I was allowing my joy to be stolen away by my worries and doubts. I'm so grateful to the Lord. He's always drawing me closer to Him. He makes sure that I'm on the right path. He is the ultimate Good Shepherd.

Take some time to reflect on the state of your heart. Maybe the Lord is trying to guide you back to Him. Where is your heart at? 


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