No One Saw It Coming

Yesterday morning Kansas City Chief, Jovan Belcher shot his girlfriend, Kassandra Perkins in front of his mother, and then committed suicide in the Chiefs' parking lot in front of his head coach and general manager, leaving his 3 month daughter, Olivia, an orphan. It's an unthinkable tragedy.

Jovan had no history of violence. According to news outlets, he was even part of a group called Male Athletes Against Violence, so this disturbing act of violence has come as a shock to his family and team. No one saw it coming.

In the eyes of society he had it all. A lucrative contact from an NFL team. All his physical needs meet. A beautiful girlfriend and a precious child. An outsider looking in would think he had the American Dream. So what could have triggered him to do such a horrible thing? One may never know.

When tragedies of this nature occur its because they feel that there's no way out. They feel like they're trapped. Death is the only means of escape. What's even more horrible is that Kassandra Perkins, 22, lost her life as well. She was just starting a new life as a mother. She had her whole future ahead of her and with a flash of gunpowder it ended. Death is always sad, but when it happens to the young it's like a sharp knife. She will never get to see her little girl grow up. She was caught in the middle of a nightmare that didn't belong to her.

My heart sinks for their daughter, Zoey. At 3 months she is now an orphan. This little girl has to live her life without knowing her mother or father. She will grow up with the knowledge that her dad killed her mom and then himself. She's only 3 months old! No time to form happier memories of her parents to hold on to. She will be left with pictures, what's told to her and what she reads for herself. I pray that the Lord protect her and keep her safe physically, emotionally and spiritually.

When things like this happen, I'm strongly reminded how much we need Jesus. He is the only one that holds us up and keeps us strong. No matter the circumstance, He is there. He is there at our best and darkest moments. There is nothing that is impossible for Him. What ever struggles we face we need to go straight to the source of freedom. We need Him. We need a relationship with Christ. Evil is always looking for someone to devour; Christ is the only refuge.

May the Lord's comfort and peace cover the families and may His strength carry them through this tragedy.


Anonymous said…
not true.. the reporting person was his mother.
Karina said…
Thank you for the comment. When I first wrote this piece the news was saying that her mother was present, but after your comment I rechecked and the papers state that it was his mother. Thank you for the fact check! I have updated the piece.

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