Scrooge Week Begins

Church of the Highlands, in San Bruno, has been presented a very special play called Scrooge, a christian take on the Christmas Carol. It has been a favorite of the church and school (where I work) and has been touching lives for the past 20 years plus. Apart from the main character, Scrooge, all the parts played on stage and behind are done by volunteers. It's a great community venture for both church & school. Many of the kids from the school audition to be part of the "Dream Scene", a special part where the kids are showcased. It is the most adorable part of the play. Some are dressed as lambs, lions, toy soldiers, gymnasts and dolls. You always hear the audience ooo & aww. It's a great Christmas tradition.

For those with parts they have been practicing since Sept/Oct. It has been late nights for many weeks. This week is Dress Rehearsal where all those participating come together and spend the evenings getting ready for the performances nights on Friday, Saturday & Sunday.

This is where I come in. I volunteered to be part of the media department. I will be putting the microphones on the actors. There are 18 microphones and 30 plus parts. Because they have been doing this for so long, they have the exchanges of these mics down to a science. It's all very coordinated. As long as the actor comes back to get his/her mic taken off, we're good.

 This is my third year helping out. It's a fun experience. It nice to part of something with so much history and tradition. You feel kinda special.  You are part of something that many don't get a chance to do. I like the idea of being behind the scenes. There is always something going on good or not to good. The hustle and bushel of backstage life is not boring.

As much as I enjoy this event; this week is hard. The rehearsals start at 6:30pm and go until we have finished going through the play. That means that I don't get home until after 11pm. I typically wake up at 4:30am, so you can see my dilemma. This is usually the most exhausting week for me and I'm sure for everyone else. Eight hour days at our morning jobs then about 4-5 hours of moonlighting. They are long, but rewarding days.

If you live or are visiting the San Francisco Bay Area come by this weekend, December 7-9th. There are evening & matinee performaces. Below is a link with the info. Also a video with a little background about the play.

 Come and be blessed!


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