A Mad Hatter for Tea
I'm a big tea drinker. I prefer it to coffee. A cup in the morning. A cup at night. A cup or two in between if its doable. No matter the family, green, oolong, black or herbal I love it.
I began buying tea through the supermarket. Celestials Season, Twinings or Stash Tea. They tasted fine and I enjoyed them. But then I discovered loose leaf tea. It opened up a whole new world for me. The taste was more intense, the aroma more fragrant and the color more saturated. It was a beautiful discovery.
I started ordering tea online. That worked well enough, but it was inconvenient. If I ran out of something I couldn't just go out and get it. So I began my search for local tea shops. I found a few but they were either too far or too much. I couldn't believe how expense tea could be! So my dilemma began. I love the taste of loose leaf but I'll go broke drinking it. With no tea shop in town with variety and price that would fit my budget, I returned to the tea bag world.
A week ago I found out that a new tea shop had come to town. David's tea, located in Burlingame. I checked them out online and I was so excited to go. I'm was really hoping I'd had found a great tea source nearby.
It didn't disappoint. I was like a kid in a candy store! So many choices I couldn't decide. So many unique teas and a couple of new families, pu-erh and mate. Pu-erh are aged teas while mate are stimulates. I asked the girl at the counter which were her favorites. I ended up buying 1 oz of five she showed me. I spent about $20 worth of tea. Each oz will make 5 cups. So ~25 cups for $20 is not bad. The fact that I can buy the oz and get only what I need is a big plus.

These are teas I bought today:
Toasted Marshmallow
Glitter & Gold - it's shines and glitters
when it steeps :)
Organic Coffee Chai
Forever Nuts
Organic Cold 911
They only one I've gotten a chance to drink is the organic coffee chai. It is so delicious! The cardamom and spices are balanced and the coffee has a smooth undertone. I'm so excited to try the rest! I'm Mad Hatter for David's Tea!
I began buying tea through the supermarket. Celestials Season, Twinings or Stash Tea. They tasted fine and I enjoyed them. But then I discovered loose leaf tea. It opened up a whole new world for me. The taste was more intense, the aroma more fragrant and the color more saturated. It was a beautiful discovery.
I started ordering tea online. That worked well enough, but it was inconvenient. If I ran out of something I couldn't just go out and get it. So I began my search for local tea shops. I found a few but they were either too far or too much. I couldn't believe how expense tea could be! So my dilemma began. I love the taste of loose leaf but I'll go broke drinking it. With no tea shop in town with variety and price that would fit my budget, I returned to the tea bag world.
A week ago I found out that a new tea shop had come to town. David's tea, located in Burlingame. I checked them out online and I was so excited to go. I'm was really hoping I'd had found a great tea source nearby.
It didn't disappoint. I was like a kid in a candy store! So many choices I couldn't decide. So many unique teas and a couple of new families, pu-erh and mate. Pu-erh are aged teas while mate are stimulates. I asked the girl at the counter which were her favorites. I ended up buying 1 oz of five she showed me. I spent about $20 worth of tea. Each oz will make 5 cups. So ~25 cups for $20 is not bad. The fact that I can buy the oz and get only what I need is a big plus.

These are teas I bought today:
Toasted Marshmallow
Glitter & Gold - it's shines and glitters
when it steeps :)
Organic Coffee Chai
Forever Nuts
Organic Cold 911
They only one I've gotten a chance to drink is the organic coffee chai. It is so delicious! The cardamom and spices are balanced and the coffee has a smooth undertone. I'm so excited to try the rest! I'm Mad Hatter for David's Tea!
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