The Dark Knight

So last night my brothers, cousin and I went to the Dark Knight Marathon. It started off with Batman Begins, The Dark Knight and finished with a midnight showing of The Dark Knight Rises. This was the first marathon any of us had done. We had been to a midnight showing maybe once or twice before but settling in for a 9 hour marathon just never come up. It started at 6pm but the line started at 4pm. So we get there at 3 just to make sure we're on time. We were first in line. For 2 hours we talked and played some Civilization Revolution on our iPads seeing who would get the highest score. Seeing as this is one of the few video games I play and love I won, no competition. It's a great game by the way worth the time to play.

Our bands and collector lanyards for the event!

While in line there where regular fans and one hard core fan decked out in a batman cape, joker shirt and joker shoes. I was kinda surprise he didn't have makeup to complete the ensemble. Half an hour before showtime they let us in and we settled into some very comfy chairs. I was a little nervous because I didn't want to doze off. I didn't get a nap in or sleep in and I had been active since 7am. To keep awake we drank flavored waters and ate a lot of popcorn. Because we where participating in the marathon there were some concession deals. The one we took advantage of was popcorn, you pay $2 extra of the regular price and you get unlimited refills all night long. That keep us very well feed. Some apples and watermelon completed our spread.

Participating in this kind of activity is really fun. Everyone there is just as crazy as you to sit for 9 hours to watch 3 great movies back to back. Of all the superheroes Batman has always been my favorite. Something about him has always appealed to me. The amazing gadgets, the tragic family story, Alfred, life in the shadows and the array of clever psychologically deranged villains. By far, for me, Batman's villains are the most impressive.

Batman has gone through several versions; Keaton, Kilmer & Clooney. I really only acknowledge Keaton and now Christian Bale. The other 2 where just sad versions. Very sad. I can't believe they're in the same canon. This latest incarnation is the most dark, dramatic and poignant. The Dark Knight Trilogy is my favorite interpretation of this masked hero.

No spoilers here. I hadn't seen the first two movies of this trilogy in a while so watching them on the big screen was a treat. Especially Heath Ledger's Joker. It was bittersweet. It was a brilliant performance but it's the last major film he finished. The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus was the last film he was in but he died before completion. If you like unusual outside the box movies you'd like this one, I did. He just left this earth too soon.

The final film in this trilogy was amazing. Christopher Nolan is an amazing director, writer & producer. He is very organized in his thoughts and has a clear direction. Inception, The Prestige and Memento are pure examples of his methodicalness and you see it in this Trilogy as well. I must confess I nodded off a couple of times not because the movie was boring, far from it, but because I had been up since 7am!

I thoroughly enjoyed myself and the company I kept. I would do it all over again, no second thoughts. A wonderful end to an unforgettable Trilogy.    


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