Day 1 - Maui, Slow start with a starlight finish

It took a bit longer than anticipated to get to Maui. The airplane was delay for about 2 hours due to maintenance issues. The flight itself is 5 hours so travel was a bit tiresome. Its worth it once you step out of the plane you're greeted by the tropical breezy wind. The drive to the condo was a 50 minute drive. It was beautiful, filled with green saturated foliage and tricolor water. Light blue at the shore, turquoise in the middle and a deep gem blue in the distant.

The condo has the Pacific as its backyard. Inviting views telling you relax and enjoy.

Our first expedition was to Haleakalā National Park Summit. Haleakalā means "The House of the Sun", is a dormant volcano and the tallest peak on Maui, reaching 10,023 feet above sea level. My cousin's friend kindly volunteered to drive up to the volcano summit so we could experience a Hawaiian sunset and the afterglow of the night sky.

The trip up the volcano was 20 miles and took about an 1 hour to ascend due to the twist and turns of the road. The view at the summit was priceless. You could see the tops of the clouds! It was one of the most beautiful sights! We hiked a bit on the volcano along the trails, which was made challenging by the strong constant winds. The wind was so intense it would push you forward or backward.

Despite the winds we were able to enjoy the sunset. Oranges, yellows, and reds! It slowly tucked its way down through the clouds leaving behind a pink and orange lining along the edge of the clouds.

We waited for sky to completely go dark. It took some time but it was worth it. With no light in sight you could truly appreciate the majesty of the night sky. Standing on the volcano, trying not get knocked down by the wind, staring up at the brilliant lights you can't help but acknowledge how great and amazing God is. Words could never describe appropriately the greatness of a million stars hanging in the sky sparkling like diamonds in the night. It was a wonderful moment.

I'm so glad that my cousin's friend was driving because it was pitch black. Twist and turns in daylight is intense but in the dark it's just crazy. At one point the car was surrounded by dense fog and visibility was particularly non-existent. Thankful we made it safe and sound without any close calls.

The day ended with the ocean's steady waves smoothing us to sleep. Nothing beats having the Pacific ocean rock you to sleep. A great end to an unforgettable day.



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