Thank You, Dr. King

Today we honor the life and work of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Here was a man who preached love, peace, equality only to be faced with hate, violence and discrimination. Finding his strength in God he stepped forward in faith and shook this nation to its core.

"Injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere." Dr. King wrote these words while he sat in a Birmingham jail. Despite where he was he provided encouragement, guidance and strength to those helping him in his work. He was a great example of strong leadership and strong faith.

I'm grateful for the road he took. For the stand he made to make our nation a better place. To shine a light into the darkness.

I'm grateful for his dream. I'm grateful that he had courage to follow his dream.

Thank you Dr. King for your faith, courage and dream!

Happy Birthday, Dr. King.


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