New Year

Dear God,

Thank you for granting me to see a new year. I thank you for the year 2011. Much occurred in the last 365 days. Some bad, some good but all in your control. I really grew as a person in 2011. I became stronger, more of my own person, firmer voice and a bit more disciplined. Thank you for allowing the trials to arrive and thank you for getting me through it. Thank you for your constant care and guiding hand. Thank you for your love and mercy that is given daily. Thank you for the joy You give and forgiveness bestowed. Thank you for always being the same. Having You in my life has gotten me through this year. You helped me get through the hardships of this year. You helped me up when I've fallen, wiped my tears away and told me You'll never leave me. You are truly the one person that will never fail me. I never have to question your love for me or your trustworthiness. It's always guaranteed. I wish I could say the same of myself. Please forgive me for my unfaithfulness, my doubts, my inconsistency and unkind speech and thoughts. I know it pains You to see those You love treat each other with such disregard, please forgive that carelessness and disrespect.

As I enter the year 2012 I ask for wisdom, understanding, love and joy. I ask that you continue to guide me down Your path. Please teach me to be a beacon of your light. I pray that I would daily shine your light. I pray that those I meet in this new year can see You in me. May You always be at the forefront.

Thank you again for the year past and for the year to come. Thank you for those around me; my family & friends. Thank you for those blessed relationships. I pray that we grow closer with each passing day. Thank you for Your Son Jesus. Thank you for Your sacrifice. You are great, You are mighty and You are Limitless. I give You all the praise!

In the Mighty Name of Jesus, Amen.


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