Back to the Grind

Yesterday was the first day back from holiday vacation. It was as if I never left. In a good way and a bad way. The good way. The kids for the most part picked up where they left off. Still remembering routines, information and schedules. But vacation was still in them. The bad. For parts of the day it was as if we were back to the first day of school. That happens after two weeks of wild abandonment. You need to reteach certain things and keep them on pace. Reminding them constantly that inside work outside play; not play all the time.

Being it was the first day back, they excitedly awaited to share about their holidays. Some went to the snow, others went ice skating, Disneyland (love Disneyland!) and one lucky person went to see family in Hawaii. They were all excited about their respective vacations and had a blast. One of the kids was so excited about losing his first two teeth that he brought them in baggies to show me! He beamed with pride as he showed me his teeth and new smile.

It was nice to be back and see my students. It's a good self-esteem boost when they see me and I hear "There's Mrs. Van Maanen!" and are happy about it.

Hopefully by the end of the week they will have readjusted and retrieved their school mode. But beware the Weekend Cometh!


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