See you later Holiday

It's so hard to say good-bye to this holiday season. My tree is still up and I don't want to take it down. I like how my house looks when Christmas comes. Unfortunately this year was not as deck the halls as I like but at least I had a tree and some poinsettias. Even with a hint of Christmas my place feels like it could snow. Snow that would be nice. Tomorrow I return to work and I have mix feelings. I enjoyed my time off and like any vacation I could use one more day. But on the other hand I miss my students and look forward to hearing their stories.

So how to spend the last day before work. Sleep in, which for me is 8:30, spend the morning with my husband, who I only really get to see on weekends, and watch a movie with family. It was a mellow day which I enjoy. Nothing can beat spending time with family doing something low key.

The only way to end a kick back day is to brew a cup a tea and watch some Tivoed Iron Chef America with the hubby. I love watching people run around the kitchen making these amazing dishes wishing I could be judging that feast.

My hubby works ridiculously early so he will be going to bed early leaving me some quiet time in the evening. It's a nice time to prepare for tomorrow and just have some quiet time.

Tomorrow comes too quickly but I welcome it with open arms. We'll see if tomorrow deserves that welcome. :)


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