Small Things

Yesterday, my husband and I walked to our neighborhood produce store to pick up some veggies. It was nice to walk with him. We don't do it often enough. One of the things that Scott does when we walk is that he always puts himself on the side of street.  Always keeping himself between me and the street. It's a small way of how he expresses love.

It's been this way for as long as I can remember. Sometimes I take it for granted and don't even notice it, but for some reason it was very special yesterday.

I guess there is a point where you're in sync with your spouse. You see, we each had a bag in one hand and held each others hand with the other. As we crossed the street there was a change to where the street lined up, putting me next to the street. Without thinking we crisscrossed each other, all the time moving the bag to the other hand finishing with our inner hands grasped.  We were like figure skaters except we were walking. No bumping into each other, dropping the bag or even miss grasping the hand. It was in perfect sync. I didn't say anything, I only smiled and admired the shadow our hand in hand made.  It was a very sweet moment. Even though it would appear to be a small thing it really makes me feel loved. Small things make a difference.

We can do many little things to show others we care about them and I'm not just talking marriage but in friendships as well.  A note telling them how special they are, giving them their favorite treat, a simple smile, a hug or a kind gesture. Anything that expresses your feelings for your neighbor can really make a difference in their lives. Love in multiple small doses can really build a person up. You never know what your loving act will speak into that person. You may bring the silver lining into their gray cloud.


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