Coffee House Trip

I've never been to Paris but I'm sure that I would love it there. The food, the sights, the cafés. All wonderful elements of Paris. I began down that line of thought while seating at a coffee shop, Starbucks. By no means am I comparing the two, but the idea of having your warm drink in hand while reading, working or simply enjoying the atmosphere is something they both share.
I'm not a big coffee drinker but I enjoy a cup every once in awhile. I was meeting a sweet friend for coffee so seeing as Starbucks is in our neighborhood we met there.

I got there first so I ordered a tall café mocha with a cheese danish. Normally I would get a chai tea latte and nothing else but I was in the mood to spoil myself. This particular location is very quaint, with a small seating area. It was intimate. I sat by the window so that I could take in the neighbor.

Nothing terribly exciting happened but it was nice to relax and be with my own thoughts. I always enjoyed people watching and image the story behind them. For instance, there was a girl in the corner rocking out to music, possibly her own and needed a muse. A couple of guys with their laptop looked like they where going over figures, maybe a big deal was going down. Then there was the college student completely immersed in his studies. Studying so hard it hurt. Perhaps he was getting ready for the bar. I know I'm not the only one who people watches and invent stories, right!?

When my friend arrived we have a great time talking. It's always fun to hang out and just enjoying others company. It was time treasured.

The coffee house is a great place for hanging out. According to my friend she said that the idea of coffee houses came out of the Enlightenment Era. A gathering place where individuals and groups can congregate and share thoughts and ideas.

I remember during college times my friends, after youth group, would continue the conversation at our local coffee house and stayed until the place closed. It was a great time of fellowship.

The same was true today. Good drink, good atmosphere and a blessed fellowship.


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