Lazy Days

Whenever we have vacation time or time off we make plans to do certain things. You know like go out or organize a bit, but sometimes we can't get to it. That's how it has been during this Christmas break. Hubby and I made "plans" before the break and since then haven't done a single thing, it's been wonderful! Granted the 1st week I was still recovering from being sick and stayed in bed or crashed on the couch, but since then Hubby & I have just stayed home and enjoy each others company.

It's rare to spend this much time with each other. Our schedules complicate the hanging out process. So this Christmas break has been a nice getting to know you again session. It's been refreshing. No worries about having to go somewhere or even about tidying up. Things have been so relaxing. I'm tightly holding on to the next 5 days before I go back to work.

Though we haven't done anything elaborate and simply been watching TV, talking and enjoying each others company, it has been exactly what we've needed.

I'm thankful for this time and plan on enjoying these last few days.

Now I'm off to do nothing! : )


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