What Are You Thankful for?

Happy Thanksgiving to all!

 "My the Lord bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you; the Lord turn his face towards you and give you peace." Numbers 6:24-26

I am very blessed to work at a Christian School. Each morning the teachers gather together to spend time in God's word and prayer. These devotional times give us the opportunity to learn from each other, share our burdens and praises, to share what the Lord is teaching us, ultimately to build up and encourage each other as brothers and sisters in Christ. One of my close friends had devotions for this week and she handed out a Thanksgiving "Mad Lib" of sorts. This Mad Lib is not meant to give us a chuckle but to thoughtfully consider what are you truly thankful for? Below is the Thanksgiving Lib she created. I've filled in my blanks, my responses are in between the slashes (/).  I challenge you to go through this list and answer the question, "What are you thankful for? "

I am thankful that I am ___________     /healthy/

I am thankful that I can _________      /walk/

I am thankful that I have ________    /a home/

I am thankful that I know_______      /my students/
                                   (Proper Noun)

I am thankful that I am able to __________    /dance/

I am thankful that I don't have________ /high blood pressure/

I am thankful that I don't need to ________  /hide when I worship God/
       (what other countries have to go through, what is banned or punishable in other places)

I am thankful that I can______________everyday    /cook/
                                          (daily task)

I am thankful that I am surrounded by________ /blue skies/

 I am thankful that I can touch_________  /my students' heart/

I am thankful that I can see_________________   /the ocean/

I am thankful that I can taste______________   /bacon/
                                               (favorite food)

I am thankful that I can hear______________      /laughter/
                                       (music or sound effect)

I am thankful that I can feel___________________    /my husband's hand/
                                       (something tactile, touchable)  

I am thankful for_________________  /Scott/
                                 (favorite person) 

I am thankful that I can_____________  /write/
                           (what you're really good at)

I am thankful that I _________________   /run a 5ks/
                 (something you recently accomplished)

I am thankful for :__________________      /God's unconditional love/
         (knock yourself out listing EVERYTHING that comes to mind) 


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