Christmas Program

This past week the kindergarten classes have been practicing daily for their Christmas program last night, November 29th. For the last two months they have been learning these songs, taught by our wonderfully patient and loving music teacher, and last night their hard work paid off. Though the program went very well and no one fell off the riser, the same can't be said for their rehearsals. (No one fell during practice, but there were a few close calls)

It was a week of late afternoon rehearsals, making for interesting occurrences. There are two kindergarten classes and each class had 3 songs to sing, along with a bible verse to recite. Then they do 2 group songs together.

 My class went first. For the most part they did well. Most kept their eyes on the music teacher, sang and did the motions. But there were a select few that just weren't getting it. It wasn't their first time on stage. It was as if they didn't know what was expected of them and just did their own thing. One was really into the music and keep moving up and down, almost jumping. He nearly fell off but he was able to catch himself. Yet that close call didn't prevent him from continuing to do his groove thing. Another insisted that he was told to look at the scenery behind him. Rarely did I see him look in the direction he was suppose too. The girl next to him must of gotten the same memo because she was busy looking everywhere but at the teacher. But I did have one who intensely looked at the teacher. Didn't miss a move. Even mimicked the directing motions, like the waving hand or the 1,2,3. Not only did he follow every move, he did it with gusto and exuberance. So much so that they poor child next to him was completely blocked from sight, you could barely see her face. After all he needed the room.

They other kindergarten class did very well. There was only one moment, when reciting the verse a motion required them to bow. One child bow so low that he could have toppled over. Wanting to avoid a domino effect it was corrected.

On to the group songs. They all did pretty well. There were still a few eye wanders and a couple of motion refuserers, but overall they kept on task.The only dilemma was that most look like their were in pain. Serious frowns row by row. We continually encouraged them to smile and look happy. They would smile but it would only last a couple of minutes.

However in those couple of minutes we got some interesting smiles. The picture to the right is a drawing by one of my kids and this is exactly the face he gave me, no joke. Then he gave a very toothy grin with eyebrows up and eyes wide open.
I couldn't stop laughing. He was so funny. It was great comic relief. Those moments are the best part of working with kids, the unexpectedness. 

Though the rehearsals didn't go according to plan the main event went without a hitch. Everyone did a great job. The parents were very proud. So was this teacher.


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