Thanksgivng to Christmas

Today I returned to work after a four day holiday, wishing I had just one more day. One more day of memories.

 We had a really good time at my Aunt's for Thanksgiving. It had been a while since we had gathered as a whole family (Dad's side) to celebrate a holiday. The last time I remember was when we were little and it would be a weekend sleepover. It was nice to see my cousins and catch up with them. Time doesn't seem to exist when we get together. We could talk all night and not even notice. It was a great time of food and family.

 Black Friday, or the day after Thanksgiving, was nice and quite for us. We did step out to do a little shopping but after the madness had passed. My hubby and I did a little window shopping and then real shopping at Target. It was nice to be able to hang out with him and just spend time outside of our house. Even the simple things, like mall cruising, can mean so much because you are together. We enjoyed the rest of the day just being together.

Come Saturday we went Christmas tree shopping. This is one of my favorite after Thanksgiving activities. I love going to the tree lot, Lowes, and smelling all those wonderful trees and touching the sturdy branches and needles. It didn't take too long to find the "just right" tree. Typically we would get a Douglas Fir tree because they are cheaper, but this year I really wanted a Noble Fir. The needles are much thicker and the scent is more pronounced. Noble Firs tend to be twice as much as a Douglas and I didn't want to go that far out in cost, so we found a shorter tree 5-6 feet, instead of the usually 6-7 feet, to satisfy my desire without hurting our wallet. Thanks to my hubby we also bought a "water pole dispenser." We put the long pole in the tree stand and then fill it up with water, this will prevent the difficult chore of going under the tree and fighting with the branches to get the water inside instead of on the carpet. Once the tree was settled the house began to smell like a forest. It is so wonderful!

That night my Dad's church was having a night of Praise & Worship. It was a great night. The group feature was A Mighty Force. Amazing voices, great songs and humble hearts. My dad spoke on  the Prodigal Son and challenged the audience that it's never to late to come to Christ and that He is waiting to receive you with open arms. One soul answered that altar call. My dad calls him Uncle Billy. He is someone that they had been praying for quite awhile. God is good! The heavens partied that night!

Sunday approached and we heard a challenging message about being firm in what we believe. You must Know what we believe, Live what we believe and Make our lives about relationships not about rules. It was a great and necessary message.

       Sunday afternoon rolled about and it was time for two things. Trimming my beautiful tree and Football! I'm a big 49er fan. I try not to miss a single game. I bleed red & gold! Now since the game didn't start until after 1pm I had time on my hands so I decorated the tree while I watched "White Christmas." It really felt like Christmas was around the corner, even though it's still November. My favorite part about the tree trimming is what goes under my tree. No,  not presents but my village. I have these beautiful houses that live under my tree all season long. They are part of a series called Dicken's Village. I have 5 pieces from that series. It's a pricey series so I'm always on the look out for sales. No village would be complete without a nativity. I have a very simple one with just Mary, Joseph and Jesus. It was a gift from a student I received 5 years ago. It's the center piece of my village.

 Football time came and it was the Niners vs Saints. It was an awesome game! I thoroughly enjoy myself.  Niners 31 Saints 21.  All I have to say "Who's got it better than us? Nobody!"

                    It was a great time of thanks, family and fun!


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