A personal poem.

In times like these
I lose my footing
Reaching out to grasp Your hand
O, Lord in You my trust I'm putting

Guide me through these darken woods
Shine Your perfect light
Lead me to Your chosen path
That will make all things right

In times like these
I lay my head at Your feet
With rolling tears down my cheek
And I remember with You I'm complete

I hear Your voice
Sweetly, gently calling me
"You are my precious child
Be still in me"

In times like these
I battle my flesh
Being torn in half with nothing left
You fill my cup, I'm refreshed

You wrap Your arms around me
Feeling safe and secure
You are my Refuge
In You I will endure

In times like these
I look back at my past
Seeing all You brought me through
Learning Your love will always surpass


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