Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

Like most of the world I was caught up in the joy and celebration of William and Kate. A part of my background is English. My great grandfather was English. So this is a special day for me. Please don't misunderstand me, I am proud to be a Salvadorean-American. But I'm also proud to have roots of England's rich history. I am blessed to part of three worlds!

So many of us have a special place in our hearts for William and Harry because they represent the very best parts of their mother Diana. Seeing William find love and committing himself to Kate a commoner (in British's eyes) is a beautiful thing. The fact that she is not royalty makes this union an even greater joy. People can see themselves in Kate. They feel that they can relate to her. She's warm, inviting and charming. William also shares these attributes which makes this couple a vision for the next generation. They are modern classics. An oxymoronic phrase but true none the less.

Through out the coverage of the ceremony there was such excitement! It was wonderful to see so many people from all over the world there in harmony rejoicing and sending best wishes to William and Kate. The energy in the air was so electric! The commentators where extremely ecstatic; that it made me feel like I was there. Their sincere joy was wonderful to see.

All the history that was intricately weaved within the wedding was wonderful. The tiara she wore belonged to Queen Elizabeth, King George VI(yes the one of the King's Speech) wife, which she wore on her wedding day to King George VI. The carriage in which they departed was the one that Diana used for her wedding. Westminster Abbey was so amazingly decorated. The trees and shrubbery that were brought in were breath-taking. It made the church seem so alive and refreshed.

The vows were very traditionally and very genuine. It felt like two of my friends were getting married. I'm a romantic so I was in tears. I'm filled with such joy and hope for this couple.

I thought it was great to see that throughout the ceremony the importance of Christ was made through the prayers and speeches. Knowing that there were millions watching and hearing these words, someone must have been touched.

I think the prayer that was said over them should be repeated:

God of all grace,
friend and companion,
look in favour on William and Catherine
and all who are made one in marriage.
In your love deepen their love
and strengthen their wills
to keep the promises they will make,
that they may continue
in life-long faithfulness to each other; through Jesus Christ our Lord.

Congratulations, William and Kate!!

William & Kate's Prayer:

"God our Father, we thank you for our families; for the love that we share and for the joy of our marriage. In the business of each day keep our eyes fixed on what is real and important in life and help us to be generous with our time and love and energy. Strengthened by our union, help us to serve and comfort those who suffer. We ask this in the spirit of Jesus Christ. Amen."


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