Fallen Stars

A couple of days ago we learned that Lee Thompson Young, 29, took his own life. If you're not familiar with him he was a Disney kid star in Jett Jackson and more recently played Lt. Frost on
Rizzoli and Isles. He was handsome, good at his craft, got paid well, wore the designer labels and was very charismatic. In the world of Hollywood he was on track to hit it big. By the world's standard he had no reason to take his life. In the eyes of the world he seem to have it all.

A month ago, one of the stars from Glee, Cory Monteith, 31, passed from an overdose. He had recognition, talent, money and an aspiring career. Outwardly he seemed to have everything, yet he felt empty.

There are countless stories of these young stars dying by their own hand intentionally or not. Amy Winehouse (28), Kurt Cobain (27), Heath Ledger (29) , Gia Allemand (29) just to name a few. Each was at the height of their trade yet felt empty. Why? With everything they had why did they need an escape?

If I may offer an answer, maybe they didn't have hope. For many people what takes them down this very dark path is depression. There is a point in their lives where drugs, alcohol or what ever vice it is temporarily filled in their pain and whenever they felt lonely, overwhelmed, sad or helpless they turned to those things that provided solace. The lack of hope ended their lives. It's such a heartbreaking thought.

Hope provides a light. It's gives us the fortitude to move on. Hope can come from different sources. It can come from others, ourselves or religion. But these are temporary venues. At one point or another they will cease providing us with hope. So where do I go to obtain an endlessly supply? My solution is found in Jesus. My hope is found in Him. The relationship I have fuels my hope. I know the sacrifice He paid and the love He shed. He is the real deal. He is the true Hope.

My faith in Jesus is relational not religious. The relationship forge with Jesus provides me with love, mercy, grace, hope just to name a few. Knowing in my heart that the creator of the universe, the only perfect being, loves me so intensely it's hard not to see glimmers of hope in the most trying of times.

If you have an emptiness that you've tried to fill with a million things with no relief may I nudge in the direction of your Creator. God loves you more than you can imagine. He can fill that emptiness beyond your comprehension. Let go of the tides that bind find freedom, peace, love and hope in Jesus.

My prayers go out to the families of these fallen stars. May the Lord grant you the peace and comfort you need.   


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