Double Standard

As long as I can remember there have been double standards. In all areas of life double standards exist. It's unavoidable. It's the dirty little secret that no one thinks they have.

I recently learned about a double standard that shocked and upset me.  A girl living in Davis, California (will call her Jane) was being harassed and at one point beat up by 2 Hispanic girls. She suffered major injuries that required surgery and had to be hospitalized for ten days. The attack was reported to the police and the girl's mother wanted to file it as a hate crime. The attackers yelled slurs and hateful words regarding her race. They hurt her because of the color of her skin. In any definition that would be a hate crime. The Davies police said that they couldn't file it as a hate crime because her daughter is white. That's right you read that correctly. It's not a hate crime if the victim is White.

I can't believe it. Had the colors been turned around, 2 White girls beating up a Hispanic girl, the press and police would have been all over it. Why does the color matter? A hate crime is a hate crime. Jane was brutally attacked because of her skin color. Those girls viciously attacked her, yelling expletives like "I'm going to crack your head open you little white...." Jane was able to identify one of the girls. That girl was sentenced for 30 days. 30 days! That's it! It gets worse that girl only served 10 days! Jane lost her gallbladder and one of her fallopian tubes because of the excessive kicking they gave her and her attacker only serves 10 days. It unbelievable! This is so wrong!

Unfortunately this story has a very tragic ending. Jane suffered obvious trauma physical and emotionally. She couldn't wrap her head around why the police did not help her they way they should have. She didn't understand how some one who caused so much damage only serve 10 days. She spiraled into depression and took her own life.

 It makes me so upset that Jane didn't have justice. She was beaten, bruised and tormeted. If these same events happened to a miniroty, people would be holding protests, making speeches prominent equal rights activist would be speaking out. Why can't we be equally outraged and motivated to defend someone's right when their White? As a minority I horrified that Jane didn't receive justice. She felt the sting of hate and nothing was done.

I think that any crime committed to other another person is a hate crime. They are showing hate towards your fellow man. No matter ethnicity, faith or beliefs; you are not to harm your fellow man.

We are created in God's own image. His images (us) should reflect love, kindness, gentleness, patience, self-control, joy, peace and faithfulness. (Galatians 5:22-23) God tells us that when we show favor we are sinning. "But if you show partiality, you are committing sin and are convicted by the law as transgressors."James 2:9 

We need to look at Christ's example and live up to it! If we continue to ignore God and pretend He doesn't exist then stories like Jane will continue to be told.  



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