Pastor Papi

Yesterday was a very special day for my family. My dad was ordained as a pastor. He will be ministering to the Hispanic community. My dad and mom have always been very involved in ministry. From working with little children to assisting the elderly. They have been true servants to God. Growing up my brothers and I watched our parents live out their faith. They weren't just about words but about action. Because they where so involved we too became involved and had the privileged to see first hand what it was that God was doing. The movement He was creating to forward His kingdom.

My parents came to the Lord as adults. Both were born into a Catholic background but never really practiced as adults. Having my parents come know the Lord when I was a child was an amazing blessing. I was old enough to see the change that happen when Jesus entered their lives. The commitment they had to God's people was amazing. They truly worked as a team. Many say that you don't have to be in foreign soil to be a missionary, this was very true in my parents' case. Wherever there was an opportunity to serve they served. If they saw a need they meet it. Whenever anyone needed help they went to my parents. They took the Lord at His word and shared it whenever and wherever they could.

My dad, as far as I can remember, was always part of the leadership of the church.The Lord took our family through seasons which leads us to three very unique churches that were important to our spiritual growth. In each church my dad was part of the leadership. He was trusted, depended upon and sought out. As a child I didn't really think about it much and didn't completely understand the impact my dad had on our community. Looking back now I can see the wonderful legacy that he and my mom have built. It is beautiful.

Though my dad was so involved in the church he never really sought out to be a pastor. That was never his goal. He and my mom's ministries has always been to be servants. It was never about fame, popularity or recognition. Though he never was a pastor we always felt like we were pastor's kids (PK). My parents where so highly respected and involved that us kids fell into the definition of PKs. We knew what it meant to be an example and to reflect Christ.

Though my parents where deeply involved ministerially we never felt abandoned. We didn't feel like we were 2nd to their work. They focused on their family which was their 1st ministry and the church their 2nd. They made a conscious effort to not let the family get lost in the fray. I believe that because of their wisdom and ability to balance both we grow up loving the church instead of despising it. From them stems our love for the church and its people.

Officially my dad is now a pastor! A position he does not take lightly. My mom a pastor's wife a position she adorns with grace and respect. I look forward to seeing what journey the Lord has for them.  I'm truly blessed to be their child!


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