Memorial Thanks

Dear Service Member,

               I can't begin to express my immense gratitude for your service. Even before I was born you have diligently been protecting this nations' water, air and land. Tirelessly fighting off the enemies attack. Putting yourself in danger so I can live in peace and freedom. Thank you for this sacrifice.

Your devotion to this nation and its people is inspiring. You disregard your own safety in order for millions of Americans to walk down the street with peace of mind. So many countries are not this blessed. So many are crippled by fear and uncertainty. Always looking over their shoulders awaiting the enemies attacks. Because of you this is far from true. Because of what you do I can sleep at night. Because of you I can enjoy my unalienable rights of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

You are a true hero. The dictionary states a hero is a person of distinguished courage or ability, admired for their brave deed and noble qualities. Honesty, discipline, loyalty, respect, honor, integrity and selfless service all qualities you embody and necessary to do the job you where called to do. I know that you must be afraid at times yet you continue on. You are willing to lay down your life for me, someone you don't personally know. I thank you. 

Your love for this nation is unmatched. Every step you take in protecting her shows your devotion. Without you her cities would be destroyed, decimated, a pile of ash. Without you her streets would be filled be tears and sorrow. Without you her hope would be but a fading memory. You are the strength of this nation. You help her stand up right and be proud. You are the reason she boldly waves stars and stripes. 

In honor of you she sets aside a time to remember your life and death; the ultimate sacrifice. Thank you for life service. Today we remember and honor you and your family who stood firmly by you and released you knowing that death was a possibility. Today we give thanks for you and for the many others that walk your path. 

From a grateful American, Thank You and God Bless You!


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