Happy Mother's Day

Today we celebrate our Moms. The women who gave us life and who gave of themselves to ensure our well being. They think of us before themselves. They are our teachers, mentors, role models, counselors, shoulder to cry on and life coaches. Without our mother's hand to guide our way, teaching us from right and wrong, we would search for trouble instead of avoiding it. She helps to keep us out of harms way. Teaching us to look both ways before we cross the street. They taught us how to love, tell the truth, have compassion and show mercy. They taught us all of life's essential lessons. They are our precious gift from God.

My mom did all the things I've stated and more. She taught me my faith. She presented Jesus and He has been my saving grace. Watching her live out her faith in actions and not just in words is the greatest gift she has given me. Being the example of a godly women to a world that desperately needs it. Showing how to fearlessly bring Jesus into everyday life with love, compassion and wisdom. That is the legacy she is creating. One of faith, love, peace and joy. I love her very much and feel very blessed to be her child.

Below is a prayer I heard and found it beautiful. A perfect Mother's Day Prayer:

      We thank you God for our mothers. I thank you that she gave me life and nutured me all these years. She gave me my faith and helped me know You and Jesus and His way. She taught us how to love and how to sacrifice for others. She tauhgt me it was okay to cry and to always tell the truth. Bless her with the grace that she needs and what you want to give her today. Help her to feel precious in Your eyes and know that I love her. Give her strength and courage compassion and peace. Bless us today with your love.


 *prayer written by Brian Burns


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