Little Brothers

Today my little brothers turn 30. It's hard to believe that so much time has passed. Being the oldest gives me the opportunity to look back at all 30 years. The good, the bad and the ugly. Being the older sister of twins is no easy task. Brothers in general are tough, but being out maned 2 to1 is something else.

Since the beginning they have had a special bond. Having been together 9 months prior allowed them to form a relationship that I have always envied. Being twins has served them well. They always had someone to talk to, to confide in, to fight with, to plan mad scheme to torture their sister with and to love. It's a beautiful thing. God blessed them from the beginning. He blessed them with a best friend from day 1.

People have always commented on their closeness. They're in awe of two people who could have such a marvelous link. I'm prone to agree with them. Their bond is so intricate and so precious. If they didn't have each other, I believe that there would be a hole in their hearts. They would feel something missing, almost as if they were incomplete.

Growing up with twins was never dull, it still isn't. In the beginning they were just lovable pests. Always getting in my business. Interrupting my play time with my friends. Destroying my Barbies. Beheading my dolls. Typically little brother stuff. Though they were troublemakers, I still love them and enjoyed being with them, when my friends weren't around, of course. We'd play, fight and love.

As they got older their trouble making days fell away. Our relationship changed and shifted. We become friends and not just siblings. I became a confidant, therapist, mediator, mentor and friend. This is the stage I enjoy most. I've seen them climb. I've seen them fall. I've seen them on good days and bad. I seen all their life. God has blessed me with this privileged.

So little brothers, as you enter into a new decade, reminisce the past, seize the present and strive for the future. Remember that you are stronger together. Remember that God gave you each other and nothing or no one should ever come between you. God gave you a gift of a best friend, cherish it, protect it and enjoy it!!



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