Life Cycle

This past week in Kindergarten we did a unit on insects. We talked about the characteristics of an insect, what they eat, where they live, all the essentials. We also ordered caterpillars so the students could see one of natures most beautiful transformations. It gives them a close encounter with a miracle they normally wouldn't see. A chance to experience a life transformed.  

We all know that the life cycle of a butterfly is from egg, caterpillar, chrysalis then butterfly. Four stages of existences. We've also heard the comparison of butterflies to being born again. But if you're like me then you thought the comparison was fitting but didn't really think about what it meant. What process entails when a caterpillar turns into a butterfly? What's the big deal?

I searched through YouTube to find a video to show my student the process. I found one that impacted me. I had seen videos like this before but I guess just never appreciated what I was seeing and how it reflects my life.

The first stage of egg is self explanatory. We are all born. We all come into existence in the same manner. We all have souls, spirits and mind.  We are born into a world full of opportunity, danger and the unknown. Our growth and knowledge is a reflection of our outside influences. Bringing us to stage 2, caterpillar.

The caterpillar is not the most beautiful creature but it still has some appeal. It's a perfect parallel of our hearts. Since our birth we are sinners. We bare the mark of sin. Our hearts are dark and lost. The things we do our pleasing in our eyes, not God. Just like our hearts, caterpillars are not pretty. But, there is something greater for them. They have a chance to be a butterfly, one of the most appealing looking insects. For us, there is also something greater, being a daughter or son of God and spending eternity with Him. The only difference is that the caterpillar will always turn into a butterfly but not all will spend eternity with God, there is a choice to be made.

Stage 3, chrysalis. God gave great instincts to the animal kingdom. They know when they have to hibernate, shed, mate, give birth and the many other things they do. Instinctively the caterpillar attaches itself on a branch and begins creating a chrysalis. This is the process that caught my attention. The chrysalis begins to form underneath the skin. Once the chrysalis is complete the caterpillar sheds it skins. Now trying to shed the skin is a challenge. It has to move back and forth forcefully in order to detach the skin. It took quite a bit of effort to shed off the old skin. While watching the caterpillar struggling to remove the old skin it struck it me, "That's me!"

When we accept Jesus, we are born again. "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come." (1Corinthians 5:17) It's a wonderful revival in our heart and soul. However our behavior, thoughts and actions do not change overnight. No, it takes time. Just like the caterpillar our change is from the inside out. We struggle to get rid of our old nature. We move back and forth, forcefully trying to leave our old self behind. We work on shedding the old life and embrace the new. It's not a easy transition. Most of the time it can be painful. Pain and discomfort is part of the process. It's what molds and shapes us.

Stage 4, butterfly. Once the caterpillar has changed, the chrysalis has also changed. The chrysalis has gone from rock hard to a thin tissue-like material. It's so thin that you can sometimes see the butterfly wings.  Once it's ready, the butterfly emerges displaying its colorful wings. Once we have perfected our faith we blossom into wonderful spiritual butterflies.

I know the analogy is interpreted that once you accept Jesus you turn into a butterfly. From old to new. For me, after seeing the process of what takes place, I feel that the butterfly stage comes when we are in the holy presence of God, in heaven. We can never perfect our faith here in this world, we strive for that but sin still exist in our lives. I feel once we become Christians, most of our life is spent in the chrysalis, having a metaphoric change.  The journey begins in the chrysalis. The choices we make, the challenges we face, the growth we have in Jesus, the joy we find in God, all happen in the chrysalis. When we go home and meet our Creator, that is when we emerge into a butterfly. When our old bodies fall away and we are dressed in heavenly bodies. (2 Corinthians 5:3) Beauty beyond our imagination. A complete transformation.

All the uncomfortable places, the heart break, the struggles, the lessons, the growth and the molding we journeyed through in the chrysalis will be worth it. Being able to hearing God the Father say to you, "Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master." (Matthew 25:21)  

What a glorious moment that will be!


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