Purim Sameach

I have always found Jewish cultural and traditions fascinating. There is always a reason for the celebration, the particular food served and the activities that coincide. The cultural traditions are so intricate and specific. The celebrations are always about God's goodness to them. A time to remember just how great God truly is and the things He has done. His grace, mercy, provisions and love are all central themes in their festivals. They are joyous occasions.

Today is the festival of Purim. It's not one that you've hear about, yet it's a tremendous celebration. Unlike Passover or Yom Kippur, Purim is not one of the holidays they are commanded to observe in the Torah, but they hardly need to be commanded to celebrate this festive reminder of God’s care over the people of Israel!

The event they celebrate is when God used Queen Esther to save her people from an evil man named Haman. Haman hated the Jews, one in particular Mordecai, Esther's uncle, with all his might. Haman didn't know that Esther was a Jew. The hatred ran so deep in his blood that he wanted to annihilate the entire nation. He tricked King Xerxes into carry out a law that would allow them to kill all Jews without consequence. Haman caste pur (lots) to pick the date of annihilation. Mordecai informed Esther of the decree and told her she must do something. "...who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this?”(Esther 4:14) Esther fasted and prayed to the Lord for 3 days to give her wisdom and grace with King Xerxes. She prepared a banquet for the King and Haman. lowing him into a false sense of security. She requested that the king saved her people. The King was outrage that someone would do such a horrible thing, he demanded to know who was this person. Esther pointed to Haman. Haman was hung on the gallows he had prepared for Mordecai. Unable to recede the order to kill the Jews, Xerxes and Esther sent out another order that all Jews can arm and defend themselves on the given date. On the given day the Jews fought and were victorious. Their people were saved! Mordecai, now the King's right hand man, declared a day of celebration for the victory the Lord had provided them. This celebration is called Purim.   

Modern day Purim is celebrated with masks, costumes, pageantry fun and hamantaschens,  jam-filled three-cornered pastries reminding them of how the nemesis, Haman, received his just "desserts."  There is also a reading of the Megillah, the account of Esther's story. It refreshing to have a holiday with a woman hero. What girl wouldn’t like to be as brave and as beautiful as Queen Esther?!

 The theme of deliverance is obvious, but have you stopped to think about how God used not so obvious people and situations over and over, throughout the Book of Esther? God does not always bring about deliverance according to our plans or expectations. The book of Esther is proof of that  and there is a Messianic perspective to consider, which is: God has a personal plan of deliverance for you that may also come from an unexpected source.

Purim Sameach!!


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