A Chid's Heart

This past Friday, one of my students was withdrawn from the school. I have had students leave in the past and it was always sad, but this last one really hit me hard. He is a very intelligent boy however had difficultly relating with his peers properly. At times he would react physically. He didn't seem quite aware of his actions or the reason he reacted in that manner. He didn't behave this way everyday. There were good days and then there were really bad days. Though he struggled to express his emotions in the right manner and at times could be very resistant to direction he had a sweet side. He was always saying silly things. He enjoyed making his classmates laugh. His smile was charming. He could also be very affectionate. I wish that I had more time. I can only pray that wherever he goes that God keep him safe and gives him daily reminders that He loves him. I'm truly going to miss this little character. 

I took a picture of him and the class and had it framed with the kids signatures. I presented it to him on Friday. That's when the kids found out he wasn't coming back. The kids were really sad to hear that he was leaving. A few got out of their seats and gave him hugs and told him that they were going to miss him. A few of the girls commented that they were going to cry. They asked me if they could make cards for him. I gave them construction paper and they each made him beautiful cards. The out pour of love and affection these kids showed him was touching. I must confess that I was a little surprised by the out pour, only because on a semi-daily basis I would get reports that he had done something to them. As much as he did stuff to them they still loved him. There was no malice, no happy that you're leaving attitude. Nothing but sincere and pure love.

When I saw this expression of love it reminded me of a bible verse, "And he said: "I tell you the truth, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. " (Matthew 18:3) Unless you change and become like little children. That portion is what stands out. Despite any disputes they may have had they still loved each other. When they forgave, they truly forgave. They didn't keep it in their back pockets to pull out at a later date. They forgive and forget. They care for one another throughout their ups or down. They may experience drama with each other but they don't let it steal the togetherness they share. I had seen it before with other classes but there were exception amongst some the kids. This present group they all seem to share that togetherness and a pure love for each other.

Become like little children. Such an odd statement but full of wisdom. We need to be like them, having that pureness of heart and innocence. We need to leave behind that cynicism that we seem to carry with us everywhere. We need to chose to love others as Christ loved us. Not only did Jesus leave His example but also in his wisdom gave us "little" examples of non judgmental love and true kindness. I'm thankful for the children in my life, past and present. Sometimes lessons came in small packages.


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