A Chid's Heart
This past Friday, one of my students was withdrawn from the school. I have had students leave in the past and it was always sad, but this last one really hit me hard. He is a very intelligent boy however had difficultly relating with his peers properly. At times he would react physically. He didn't seem quite aware of his actions or the reason he reacted in that manner. He didn't behave this way everyday. There were good days and then there were really bad days. Though he struggled to express his emotions in the right manner and at times could be very resistant to direction he had a sweet side. He was always saying silly things. He enjoyed making his classmates laugh. His smile was charming. He could also be very affectionate. I wish that I had more time. I can only pray that wherever he goes that God keep him safe and gives him daily reminders that He loves him. I'm truly going to miss this little character. I took a picture of him and the class and had it framed wit...