World Poetry Day

Today is world poetry day.  It was declared by UNESCO (the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) in 1999. The purpose of the day is to promote the reading, writing, publishing and teaching of poetry throughout the world and, as the UNESCO session declaring the day says, to "give fresh recognition and impetus to national, regional and international poetry movements".

Poetry seems to be very under appreciated. People don't seem to understand the beauty of the word. It's not always straight forward and at times people think it means one thing while others may think it means another. I like to think of it as abstract art. With abstract art the meaning can be endless this is true with poetry. Not every piece will be that way but that's what people get hung up on.

What people fail to see is that they speak poetry everyday. If you're singing a song; you're singing poetry. It may not sound like Emily Dickinson but it's poetry just the same. Proving poetry can be fun. It's not stuffy or overly complicated. Everyone can appreciate it. So find your poetry taste. Be it a song, a poetry book, or  Dr. Suess (he rocks!) find a way to keep poetry alive in your daily life.  

Below is my hand at keeping poetry alive:

The Original - By Karina Van Maanen

From afar I watch the land of man
Observing the nature of their hearts
Seeing those who darkness fills
Seeking those set apart

Darkness lumes this dying world
Covering it in it's stench
Many wander lost and confused
Stumbling to have their thrist quench

Sadness claims my brow
Concerned that Light is extinct
A glimpse of hope appears
It's designation is distinct

A golden light cuts through the shadow
Leaving luminous it's path
Bringing life to all that seek it
Escaping hell's wrath

Light spreads like rapid fire
Darkness gives way to light
Emptyness for some expired
Hearts a brilliant white

Only one can cause this change
Restoring what once was lost
Breaking free His beloved ones
No matter the cost

Open wounds in hand and feet
Showing the deep love given
Revealing a narrow street
Saying "Come and be forgive."

Such love is not a fable
So freely given, unconditional
There is only one capable
The Lion and the Lamb, Jesus, the Original


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