First Day of Spring

 Welcome to the first day of spring. I have always been more of a fall and winter person. I like the cold and being all bundled up. Seeing as I live in the West Coast we don't get to experience seasons. The temperature changes of course but not to the extreme weather change others receive. So when spring comes it's a gentle transition. You still have a bit a chill in the air but with a ray of sunshine. I've learned to appreciate the wonder of this season.

I love that this is the season of rebirth. All that had wither and died away comes back to life. The once brittle, dry, gray field now is a lush green meadow with perfectly accented colors. The trees that had lost their bountiful crowns soon begin to sprout new jewels while welcoming newly hatched life. The earth seems to have been brought back to life. It's colors has returned. The colors from flowers, grass, trees and fruits and vegetables. There is something so beautiful about spring vegetables. The deep greens, brilliant whites, cheerful oranges and the rainbow of color that exist. Yummy food!

Along with the earth awakening the animals also bring in new life. Spring is full of tiny, adorable and not so adorable (of the snake variety)  babies. A start of new beginnings. Just as it is in nature so it's true for many of us. Spring brings in spring cleaning. Purging ourselves of the past to make ready for the future.

It's also important that Easter is during the Spring. This whole season is about new life. If we have accepted Jesus into our hearts we have new lives. The events that lead to having new life is why we celebrate Easter! Without Jesus' death and resurrection there would be no new life. Just as the world around us is black and cold so our lives are before Christ. We live day to day in darkness, where there is no light to guide our way. Everything around us is dead. When we accept Jesus into our hearts our world no longer is filled with gloom and sadness but with happiness and joy. A transformation is made. We no longer live in the blackness of winter but in the light of spring. Reborn. Renewed. It's a wonderful place to be.

Seeking new life? Spring into eternal life with Jesus! 


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