
I'm blessed to work in a Christian School.  It's an immense blessing to share the Gospel with my students and their families. One of the many advantages of my work is the opportunity for the teachers to come together in the morning and have a time of devotions. It's a wonderful time to focus on God and prepare ourselves for the day.

This year the administration has set aside Wednesday as a time of praise and worship. I feel it has been a wonderful addition to my week. Today as a fellow teacher/friend lead worship I was touched, especially by the last song.

          "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face
                     And the things of earth will grow strangely dim,
                              In the light of His glory and grace."

My eyes began to water and my heart was moved. The words are simple but profound. We all have struggles, burdens, sadness in our lives, it's a result of the fallen world we live in. At times we feel overwhelmed, perhaps crushed by the weight of all this bad news. The trials just build upon each other leaving you under rumbles of grief, bitterness, sadness, hurt and anger. You barely can see the light anymore. You wonder, "What can possibly happen next?!", only to realize that something worse awaited you around the corner. Life in this world is not easy. It's full of disappoint and heartache. Yet in this world of despair, there is hope. "Turn your eyes upon Jesus, Look full in His wonderful face. And the things of earth will grow strangely dim, In the light of His glory and grace."

Jesus is our Hope. He is our Helper. He is our Strength. He is our Comfort. He is our Light. Jesus is the one where all grace is found. When the world has grabbed a hold of you and is shaking you like a rag doll, Jesus is the one who will pick you up, clean you off and hold you. He will bring you peace.

When we turn our eyes on Jesus, call on Him and give Him our circumstances, it's amazing the perspective one gains. Our problems will not magically go away, but Jesus will gives us the tools necessary to strive through them.

It's hard to go through trials and tribulations alone, allow Jesus to bring the Hope in your life and see "the light of His glory and grace."

Blessed be.


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