See you later, Tica

I've been putting off writing this particular post for weeks now. I knew that once I started writing,  reality would set in and I would have to accept the fact that one of my closest friends would be moving. I can't avoid it any longer.

For the past 10 years I've had the pleasure of knowing Gloria Johanna Castillo, or as I call her Joha. We met at work, she was teaching art and I was teaching kindergarten. Her daughter, Abby was in my class. Joha is one of those people that draws other people. She is vibrant, passionate and loving. I could see her passion in her art, her love in the children and her vibrancy in her personality.

Throughout these past 10 years I have gotten to know a very special woman. I have seen her through good times and bad times. I have seen her grow in her faith and inspire others. I have seen her be an advocate for those without a voice. I have seen her speak her mind without apologies. I have seen her become Fearless in Christ.

The fact that I no longer will get to see her and talk to her on a daily basis breaks my heart. I know that the Lord is calling her back to Costa Rica. So I rejoice in that knowledge. Yet I grieve for those of us left behind. We are not just losing a co-worker or a friend. We are losing a sister.

The Lord has given Joha the gift of encouragement. Whenever you are feeling down or are going through trials she is the first to speak words of encouragement. She lifts you up and reminds you of your blessings. Even when she was going through a very difficult time and we went to support her she was the one lifting us up. Joha is a wonderful artist with great talent but her true and pure art is her compassion and encouragement.

Joha is a devoted mother and loving wife. Her first priority is her family.  She is always looking to see what's best for her family. All her hard work, love, sweat and tears is seen through her children. They are amazing kids. She has allowed them to find their own passions. No judgment. No discouragement. No, "How are you going to make a living doing that?!" statements. She has encouraged their loves and done everything possible to cultivate it and see it blossom. She has supported her husband in his endeavors and has been the spouse God called her to be, through sickness and health.

She has impacted so many lives, more than she can ever imagine. The students adore her, holding her in high esteem. Each child that has stepped into her class has left with a love and appreciation for art. They learned that they are God's greatest works of art. Each one created and molded into a perfect them. Each student has been a part of her masterpiece legacy. Each one bearing her signature of love and compassion. She has done beautiful work.

Now it's time for her to share her gifts and talents with other students. They are now blessed with the Castillo experience. They are in for a treat! I know that God will be doing a mighty work in her classroom.

Joha, You have been an amazing friend, a constant encourager, a truth seeker, a carpe diem kind of girl and a loving sister. Life here will never be the same. I know the Lord has great things for you and your family in Costa Rica. I know that God will bless your obedience and reward your faith. You have touched my life more than you can imagine. Thank you for being genuine, compassionate and loving. You have no idea what impact your words and actions have had. You are a fantastic woman that deserves all the good coming your way. God bless you and your family as you begin a new adventure. I love you, Joha! Continue being a  Fearless warrior!!

Proverbs 31:25-31
"Strength and dignity are her clothing, and she laughs at the time to come. She opens her mouth with wisdom, and the teaching of kindness is on her tongue. She looks well to the ways of her household and does not eat the bread of idleness. Her children rise up and call her blessed; her husband also, and he praises her: “Many women have done excellently, but you surpass them all.” Charm is deceitful, and beauty is vain,  but a woman who fears the Lord is to be praised. Give her of the fruit of her hands, and let her works praise her in the gates. "

Joshua 1:9
 "Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.”



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