Yesterday, I had the pleasure of seeing the Jackie Robinson biopic "42." It was such an amazing story. Seeing what he and his family endured was heart breaking. Seeing the changes of most of his teammates was touching. The struggle and triumph were inspiring. It baffles my mind that this country, which I love and cherish, has such a checkered past concerning race. Yet I'm awestruck by those who stood up and did something. Ignorance is a dangerous and vicious enemy. George Santaya once said, " Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. " Or in other words, "Those you don't learn form history are doomed to repeat it. I know well that there are still parts of this beautiful country where racism still exist, the root of anger and bitterness has grown deep and is fed daily. It is still an active war. As the world continues to change other wars are rising up. The most personal to me is the war against my faith. The values, e...