One Thing After Another

Today was a crazy day.  Kids were way too active and way too loud. The sound vibrated off the walls piercing my ears. Some select few just didn't listen during class time and I had to stop and go until all were on the same page. It was like LA traffic. Go a little and stop for 5 minutes then repeat. The tattling had no off switch. If I had charged 5 cents for each tattle I would have enough to fill my car with gas. To quote one of my favorite children's books, it was a terrible, horrible no good very bad day.

Those items above are only the pregame show events. I had a child who just refused to do work and then threw his pencil at a classmate hitting her smack center on her forehead. Fortunately no blood was shed. The conversation that followed was not pleasant. On top of that this poor girl, yesterday, had been push down on the playground hurting her knee. So two consecutive accidents that I had to report to worried parents.

The damage doesn't stop there. While in line, coming in from recess, two kids decided "lets run around and not follow directions." My interpretation of the conversation of course. Well no surprise one of them comes running and crying. They had bumped and her eye got in the way of his head. By the end of the day the lower part of the eye was purple and a little swollen. The ice apparently did help.

This incident is followed by a little boy we'll call D. After nap he needed to use the restroom so I let him go and a few seconds later he comes back saying, "I almost made it."  He had wet all clothes on his lower half.  After he changed we went out to recess. I only had an hour and half left. So close. Within 20 minutes of coming in D had to go to the bathroom. I let him go and a few seconds later I hear,  "Mrs.Van Maanen, I almost made it." I never had a back to back bathroom incident by the same child. The joys of kindergarten. Oy Vey!

3:00, class is over and out the door we go. So close to the end and yet not close enough. As we are going down the stairs and down the hall I hear, "Mrs. Van Maanen, Mrs. Van Maanen, A fell!" It's seems A missed a step and came tumbling down the last four or five steps. She wasn't in tears and nothing hurt. We got her checked out and she was fine.

That was the close of my day. Like I said it was a terrible, horrible no good very bad day.

Yet with all that behind me all I can do is laugh. I find laughter is better then crying, plus there is no way all that can happen again on the same day, right?


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