New Direction

This past summer my husband and I have made a few significant changes to our life. We've let go of a few things that have been part of lives for a very long time. For some of it, it's been decades and for others 3 to 5 years of invested time. They have been a big chunk of our daily life and growth. A lot of talk and prayer went into this decision and we feel at peace with the choices we are making. Yet having to say good-bye has been difficult. Each piece that we have let go has been filled with people that we love and have learned so much from.  It's been a bittersweet transition. But we feel that it's what the Lord is leading us to do.

There are always different stages in our lives. There are good, bad, challenging, uplifting, molding, refining and adventurous periods where God's hand can be seen. It's unfortunate that most of the times we only see or reflect on it after the fact. When we are at the end of the line and look back and see how each precise moment in time was perfectly orchestrated to bring us to the present point. It's beautiful to see His hand and his detailed attention to every aspect of our lives. Each smile and tear has a purpose. Each hello and good-bye has a purpose. Nothing in our lives is left to chance. That's not to say that our exact lives are written out and that we are just characters in a storybook. But that within the decisions we make, God is there and He works all things for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28)

Even though you may be traveling a difficult road at the moment, God is present. He holds your hand and at times carries you gently and lovingly in His arms. Draw nearer to Him and rely on his strength and mercy. You are His child and He loves you dearly.
The road ahead for my husband and I is uncertain. We don't know what this new direction will bring. But we do know that the hand guiding us never gets lost. One step at a time trusting in Jesus who has never failed us. 


Serenity Now said…
I needed to read this today...seriously! Thank you Karina - miss you guys :)
Karina said…
I'm glad it touched you. Miss you guys too!

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