Surf & God

Anderson Family
 I heard an amazing story today that I can't keep to myself.

It begins in Pichilemu, Chile the surf capital of Chile. Mitch and Juliette Anderson are missionaries with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). They are expert surfers who's ministry is teaching the local children to surf while sharing the Gospel of Jesus Christ.

On Good Friday of this year, Juliette was teaching a group of children as normal. Her 12 year old daughter, Katrina (who has down-syndrome), took a surf board and went out into the water without her mother knowing. Katrina knows how to surf so she didn't fear the open water. She paddled in and reached a point where the waves became rough and dangerous. Juliette now seeing this from the shore gets on her board and goes after Katrina. Katrina goes deeper and deeper into the water, where the waves can overtake her at any moment. There her mother loses sight of her. If Juliette goes in any deeper she may lose her life. She does the hardest thing a mother can do, she turn backs to the shore. Once there she enlists other expert surfers to help her find her daughter. As the troupe of surfers go into the water, putting there own lives at risk, Juliette runs down the shoreline praying that Katrina landed on the shore safely.

An hour and 1/2 has past and no sign of Katrina. With each passing minutes the chances of Katrina being alive fade away.  Juliette finds a man on the shore and asked if he has seen a little girl. He says "Yes, further down the shoreline." She runs to find Katrina unharmed. She asks her "What happened? How did you get here?" Katrina smiles and says "The dolphins mommy, didn't you see them."  It turns out the dolphins swam criss-cross keeping her afloat and safe until she landed on shore. God sent a group of dolphins to save this little girl!

Praise God!!


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