In Need of The Help

I just finished watching the movie "The Help" and it left me a little melancholy. The movie was great and so was the book, read first and watch after, but something about this era in our history always seems to put me in this mood. If you're unaware of what the story is about to put it simple its a fictional story from the perspective of the help in Mississippi during the 1960s. Twelve maids and one white journalist collaborate together to put out a book anonymously about working for the white families in hopes of raising the consciousness of their backyard. The road was not easy but they gained strength and encouragement from each other along the way. What they were doing was illegal. Prison or death was a real possibility, I can't fathom that. These woman had the courage to speak truth when truth was being ignored.

The Civil Rights movement was such an essential and powerful time in our country. Death followed many who proclaimed equality. The country was in chaos. Hate and ignorance claimed many people causing them to do and say unspeakable things. This battle for equality jolted the very core of our society. Many opposed it and many advocated it. Depending where you lived choosing a side was death or life. Yet despite the gloom of death hanging over them there were those who choose to speak truth. That is inspiring!

I suppose what really attracts me to this time are these people. Regardless of their well-being they saw what was possible and it was worth the risk. Legacies of courage, commitment and faith where left to future generations; reminding them from where they come from and to what their future now holds. It puts me to think about my courage or lack there of. The battle may not be equality anymore but a battle still brews in our country.

Christianity is the primary faith that most American' s claim to have yet the church is the weakest it has ever been. The beliefs and values that founded this country are now coming under question. Tolerance has been extended to multiple thoughts and expressions yet it's retracted for Christianity. I'm not blaming those who think we are hypocritical, pompous, bigots, self-righteous and all in all intolerable of others. They are not to blame, in my opinion, its our fault. All these and many other negative attributes are well deserved because the ones being heard and claiming themselves to be Christians are yelling and screaming ridicule. Christ's love and truth isn't being transmitted. All you hear are clanging cymbals, loud noise. Unfortunately that's what's happening now. The church has remained silent and we've hurt ourselves.

I'll admit it's difficult for me to share Jesus and His truth. I'm afraid of what people will say and do. It's easier to share with parents and children from work because they know that we're Christians and they know Jesus is part of the package and expect that, but outside those walls is when the challenge begins. It's hard to go against the current. Being the outcast can be lonely and painful. It's not a glamorous existence. Yet it's what we're called to do. We are told to speak the truth. Truth brings healing. Truth brings freedom. There are many clanging cymbals claiming "truth" while the real truth, God's truth is being stifled. We must find our courage in God and speak His truth in Christ's love together. United we stand divided we fall.

Twelve maids and one journalist found their courage and spoke truth. Ready to begin your journey? I am.


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