Harper's Island - One by One

I'm a big dramatic arts fan, in other words I enjoy TV and movies a lot. I love getting lost in the stories and connecting to the characters. There isn't a genre I don't like, although I don't like everything in that genre.

Netflix is one of my favorite things. A dvd store that comes to me, brilliant! Not only can I get DVDs in the mail but I can stream, instant watching, which is convenient and addicting. The newest thing on my Netflix instant queue is Harper's Island, a one time series of 13 episodes. Think of it as an extended mini-series. If you like Agatha Christie and Stephen King then this is the show for you. I like the suspense and horror that Harper's Island brings. It's clever and very "And Then There Were None."

The premise is of a wedding party/guests sailing to Harper's Island, where 7 years ago a psycho went on a murdering spree killing several people including the main character's (Abby) mother. Abby hasn't return to the island since her mother's death and there haven't been murders since the sheriff, Abby's dad, killed the pyscho. Once the group sets sail to the island for a week long wedding , party/guest members begin to disappear. Each being killed in a horrible manner. If you are faint of heart and don't like the "show and tell" portion of horror films I would stay away. Now the murders are not readily found out, seeing as the killer hides his mess giving himself extra time to plan. That's all you need to know. The less I say the more you can enjoy!

Actually one more thing, just an interesting fact, the episode titles all correspond to the sound of how someone is going to die. It very tongue and cheek.

I haven't finished the series yet, I'm only half way through, but I'm totally hooked! The episodes keep me guesses and the deaths always surprise me. The show also includes a little girl who completely creeps me out, which is a good thing. Children and horror the scariest combination!

So if your looking for a good scare and some suspense check out Harper's Island where they disappear one by one.


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