Do This In Remembrance of Me

This past Sunday, like most Sundays, my church has communion. It's a natural occurrence. But for some reason when pastor announced it was time for communion, I peeped out a little "YAY!" I was so excited for communion. Now don't misunderstand me, communion is very important I don't take it for granted. I really cherish the time, but for some reason that day I was overjoyed.

I just really needed to have that time with God. I really needed to reflect what my past week had been. Every time I take communion I think of the words Jesus said to His disciples during the first communion, "Do this in remembrance of Me." At that moment I'm transported to Jesus' sacrifice. The pain, agony, loneliness and rejection Jesus experienced. I think of all He did for me and I can't even make it through my day without falling. When I come to this realization I'm struck with so much grief. Here I am living this beautiful life that He has given me and all He asks of me is to follow Him faithfully.

I begin to think about how selfish I'm being. How all I ever seem to do is ask instead of give. Complain instead of praise. See the cup empty instead of overflowing. I'm so blessed and I can't even appreciate it.

Communion becomes a time of repentance and praise. "For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him; as far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us." Psalm 103:11-12 The thought of just how great God is and how patience He is with me, overwhelms me!

As I reflect on my behavior and attitudes I also see God's grace and mercy. I would have given up on me by now, but not God. I'm in His fold and He's not letting me wander off. He simply wants what's best for me. He showed His love, the cup and the bread, now I need to show mine.

Communion allows cleansing and repentance to take place. It's such a sacred precious time. I hope that every time I take it I always say, "YAY!"


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